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Our board-certified podiatric surgeons Dr. Theresa L. Schinke, Dr. Todd Derksen and APNP Kara Brochtrup know that our patients make better decisions about their care when they have all the information.

Image of a doctor.

Dr. Theresa L. Schinke, D.P.M., F.A.C.F.A.S

Dr. Schinke, originally from the Fox Valley, has provided comprehensive podiatric care to the residents of this area since 2002. Receiving her doctorate from Ohio College of Podiatric Medicine in Cleveland, she went on to complete her residency, as Chief Resident, at St. Vincent Charity Hospital also in Cleveland. Dr. Schinke is board-certified in foot surgery by the American Board of Foot & Ankle Surgery, and is a Fellow of the American College of Foot & Ankle Surgeons. Dr. Schinke’s extensive training includes the evaluation and management of foot, ankle and lower leg pathology and trauma. Her training and interests also lie in Pediatric deformities.  She spends a great deal of time educating her patients about their condition and options available to them. Dr. Schinke is a widely-published physician with a great deal of lecturing experience. Dr. Schinke and her husband Mike, take great joy in spending time with their three children.

Recent feedback from Dr. Schinke’s patients

“From the moment you walk in the door at NE WI Foot & Ankle Associates you are treated as a person, not a number. Dr Schinke is an amazing and talented surgeon, and thanks to her following surgery on my 2nd foot, I am on the way to getting back to the active life I led before my long term foot issues! If you desire a knowledgeable and caring Doctor and Surgeon, who is supported by an amazing Assistant and office staff, then Dr Schinke is for you!”

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Dr. Todd Derksen, DPM, FACFAS

Already a seasoned provider in the Fox Valley, we warmly welcome Dr. Todd Derksen to Northeast Wisconsin Foot and Ankle Associates. Since 2005 Dr. Derksen has been sought after for his experience with total ankle replacements and reconstructive surgery, foot and ankle trauma, as well as providing hope for those who are seeking corrective surgery from previous procedures. Furthermore, Dr. Derksen has a keen interest in sports medicine, being a cyclist himself.

Dr. Derksen is board-certified by the American Board of Foot and Ankle Surgery and a Fellow of the American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons.  He received his doctorate of podiatric medicine from Rosalind Franklin University in North Chicago, IL and completed his residency at Inova Fairfax Hospital in Falls Church, VA.

Recent comment from facebook:

” Todd’s the best! You are lucky to have him on your team! He took care of husband’s achilles and when my daughter broke her ankle at her grow plate he treated her like his own. I will follow him any where he goes!”

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Kara Brochtrup, APNP

Providing competent diagnosis and appropriate treatments in the Fox Valley since 2012, Kara Brochtrup is a valuable asset to our team.  Working closely with Dr. Todd Derksen, both surgically and clinically, Kara treats patients with general podiatric concerns and provides pre-operative and post operative care for Dr. Derksen’s patients.

Kara received her BS in Nursing from University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh and her MS in Nursing from Marian University, Fond Du Lac, WI.


Katie Des Jardins

We are excited to have a new provider at Northeast Wisconsin Foot and Ankle. Katie Des Jardins, a board certified nurse practitioner, is a dedicated provider with experience in athletic training and orthopedics. With her background, she is highly passionate about foot and ankle related conditions. Working closely with Dr. Theresa Schinke, Katie is committed to enhancing patients’ health and performance.

Katie received her BS in Athletic Training from University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. Her graduate studies were done at Marquette University where she received her MSN and post Masters certificate in Adult Gerontology Acute Care.


Our Team at Northeast Wisconsin Foot & Ankle Associates

Everyone on our team is patient-centered in their work to make your visit as comfortable as possible. Our knowledgeable administrative staff, board-certified podiatrists, and compassionate and caring team of clinical assistants always strive to provide an outstanding podiatric experience to every patient.


Business Manager

Although not as visible to patients, Marilou has made it her daily mission to support the physicians and staff, as well as coordinate the activities of the practice to ensure, as much as possible, the competent, compliant, efficient, and pleasant experience of each patient. It is very important to her that each patient's concerns and resources are respected, and to do what is in her power to see that a patient's quality of life is improved.



Business Office Supervisor

Patient feedback about Donna
"Donna-I am very appreciative for all your service the last 2 weeks...You make [NEW Foot & Ankle] a very positive experience"; " Donna in billing was very helpful and polite,"
With a strong background in insurance and medical billing, Donna knows how the process works! She has worked on both the physician and insurance sides of medical billing. Donna's daily goal is to see that the patient's financial interest is handled professionally and accurately to avoid any unnecessary complications for our patients. Don't like financial surprises?... neither does Donna, so she works hard to ensure protocols are in place, the staff is well trained, and patients are educated to help avoid the unexpected. Since we know this is not entirely avoidable, Donna, in her patient and steady manner, will work to resolve situations that are problematic. She is here to help you!



Medical Assistant for Dr. Schinke

Comments by patients: "It is always a pleasure to see Chauntey"; "Chauntey [is} the BEST... Professional, Thorough and Kind"; "Chauntey is very helpful and has a great personality"
Chauntey is loved by her patients, and I am fairly certain it's because Chauntey LOVES her job! Always upbeat, Chauntey brings a lot of positivity to our practice. The Light within her shines bright! Chauntey and Dr. Schinke have a great partnership, with Chauntey anticipating the Doctor's needs and Dr. Schinke having full trust that Chauntey will handle situations responsibly and according to her direction, which in the end makes for an efficiently run schedule and effective practice. In addition to her Medical Assistant role, Chauntey also serves as our laser technician when needed. She is a gem!



CMA: Laser Technician

Comments by patients about Traci: "Very helpful and knowledgeable. Happy with the laser treatments I had"; "Traci is very professional and takes pride in what she does. Very pleased with the nail procedure."; "Traci was pleasant and helpful with her questions and showed concern with how I was doing"; "Traci really listened to my feedback before each treatment and adjusted the laser accordingly."
Well-loved by her patients and depended upon by the rest of us, Traci is a real pro with the biggest heart! Starting in 2016, Traci has pioneered our laser therapy treatments, and in 2020 began providing nail restoration for patients with deformed or damaged nails. To help ensure her patients get the best she has to offer, she is fastidious when it comes to providing consistent and care-filled treatments. Suffering chronic pain herself, she has great empathy for her laser patients. If you are referred to her for your condition, she will work tirelessly to do as much for you as she can. Rest easy, you will be in good hands.



Surgery Coordinator

If you hear a wonderful laugh in our office, there is a good chance Annah is behind it. Serving as our Surgery Coordinator since 2021, Annah takes the information from the surgeons and puts things into motion. She will go over your surgery details with you, check with insurance companies for any authorizations needed, determine if patients will have any financial obligations to meet, communicate with the surgery centers, as well as set up pre and post operative appointments that are needed. Annah also helps up celebrate the staff in our office by making sure everyone feels special on their birthday.

On a personal level, Annah likes to read, shop, travel, camp and spend time with her family, which includes several animals: parrot, bearded dragon, cat and dog.



Medical Assistant

Having joined us in 2021 as Dr Tougas' medical assistant, and now serving as Lead Medical Assistant, Belen is a seasoned professional, having worked in various roles in the medical field in the past 20 years. Her friendly voice and kind demeaner are seen and heard in all aspects of her interactions with our patients in the clinic. Belen is fluent in Spanish and therefore serves as our interpreter for our Spanish-speaking patients.

Belen loves to cook and keeps busy with her teenagers, 2 dogs, and mother.


Medical Assistant

Having joined us in 2022 in a dual role of Patient Services Associate and Medical Assistant, Alex has shifted to fulltime Medical Assistant as our needs have grown. Alex is a hard worker and we keep her busy! She works to see that patients are put at ease by treating them with a great deal of care and concern.

When not busy at work, Alex is busy at home with her family which includes 2 giant breed dogs. She likes to travel, and enjoys painting and crafts.


Patient Services Associate

Kenlan is one of our Patient Services Associates. She came to us in August 2023 with eagerness to help others and the drive behind it. Kenlan is usually the first face you see when you arrive and the last when you depart. She is always striving to be the best when it comes to our patients; always having a smile on her face and a great sense of humor to go along with that. She really knows how to make you feel welcome and heard when you walk into our clinic. She graduated from Fox Valley Technical College in 2022 with an associate’s degree of Medical Administrative Professional. Shortly after high school, she started working in the medical field and has had a passion for helping others ever since.

Chances are, when Kenlan isn’t at work, she is home reading. She has an absolute love for books and her reading goal for this year is to read 150 books. She also enjoys spending time with her fur babies (two cats and a dog), boyfriend (Will), and family when she can, and enjoys anything outdoors but especially hammocking.



Andrea came to us in 2023 to fill our new role as our office scheduler. She later added on to her role by adding medical records specialist to her duties. Chances are, if you call our office to schedule an appointment, ask a question, or need medical records; she will be the one you talk to. Andrea absolutely loves her job. While she is behind the scenes, she is always eager to help our patients schedule their appointments in a timely manner and get questions answered.

Andrea is a wife, mother to three, and now new dog mom. Andrea is also involved in student exchange so you can usually find an exchange student in their home. Andrea doesn’t have much in the way of spare time because she is usually running her kids to their extracurriculars. When she does have “down time” though, she doesn’t stop, she keeps her schedule full with always being on the go with her family.


Patient Services Associate

Joining our practice in early 2024, Julie comes with over 20 years of experience working in Healthcare. She has worked in various roles, including Patient Services, Surgery Scheduling, and Insurance Authorization. Julie states, "when thinking about a career, I always knew I wanted to help people. I love making patients feel cared about while helping to take care of them." And she does an excellent job at this!

Fun Facts: Julie used to be the lead singer in a local cover band, and she made the cheerleading squad at UW-Green Bay her Freshman year, which also qualified her to be a Packer Cheerleader for the season, including getting to cheer on the sidelines for Super Bowl XXXI in New Orleans for the Packers win.

Get Relief for Your Feet at Our Appleton, WI office.